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Kartik Nanda
Meet Me

Nice to meet you!

Hey, I’m Kartik. Nice to meet you, and thanks for visiting my page. You will find here many of the projects that I have worked on, and, am working on. For any project, I have tried to document it as I have worked on it. I have tried to capture, and link to, what I found to be the most…

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What do you do, Kartik
Highlights, Meet Me

Kartik, what do you do?

“Kartik, what do you do?” – asked you. Lets see – nowadays I design AI algorithms. I have designed Integrated Circuits, solar powered irrigation pumps in India, have founded a company, have some US patents. But what do I do? The 42nd time someone asked me this, I went deeper. As an undergraduate student at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT),…

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